Leaders Collaborating for Positive Change.

Joe Neville


NAROC members are leaders in the retail optical arena. Their organizations represent more than 9,000 store locations across the United States that treat over 48 million patients every year.

These industry leaders are committed to ensuring that retail optical is able to provide the broadest access to superior patient care free from unnecessary legal and regulatory burden. This has been NAROC's mission since its founding.

Membership is available by invitation from the NAROC to organizations that share the aspirational objectives of the Association. Primary Membership is available to retail optical companies with brick and mortar locations where optometrists provide eye care. Affiliate membership is available to companies and vendors that support the industry.

The association always strives to identify and involve the retail optical sector's top professional leaders that share our vision. I invite you to find out more about the benefits of NAROC membership. Please contact me at [email protected].


Benefits of Membership

  • Attendance at two annual meetings held in conjunction with Vision Expo East and Vision Expo West
  • Monthly industry updates through conference calls with NAROC's Government Relations and Telehealth Committees
  • Weekly/bi-weekly Government Relations/Legislative Updates delivered to your inbox
  • Periodic Issues updates
  • Ongoing access to respected vision industry consultants NAROC Executive Director Joe Neville and Wally Lovejoy, principal at Lovejoy Eyecare Consulting LLC
  • Networking opportunities with retail vision industry leaders throughout the year

Click to download NAROC Membership Application